A 30-DAY self guided coaching course for your foundational awakening to the sensual goddess within you.
As women, we are expected to just have it figured out.
We are expected to know our bodies without ever getting proper education.
Love our bodies fiercely and then hate them when we bleed. We are shunned when we act out because of our hormones and shamed for the ebbs and flows in our emotions.
We are told to “save ourselves” for marriage without ever knowing what we are actually saving.
We are told we aren’t whole or sovereign without a partner.
We are told our sexuality isn’t ours.
We seek connection and a partner without fully feeling whole or knowing who we actually are.
I know this pain and confusion. As a woman with a registered nurse degree and dozens of sexual embodiment certifications, who has seen hundreds of yonis and assisted in hundreds of births, who has had multiple sexual partners, birthed 3 children, and yet…didn’t have her first clitoral orgasm till she was 25 years old…I get it!
I get the disconnect because for 33 years, I felt the same thing.
I’ve felt disconnected to the point of hate. I’ve felt unsure and confused by my hormones and emotions and period patterns. I was the labor nurse delivering babies with years of education, with children of my own, and yet, what did I even know about my own body? The answer was shocking…very little.
I was raised believing my sensuality was something to fear and reject. Yes, even painfully hate.
The disconnection to my body manifested in disease and detachment from myself.
Yes, even after the education and embodiment.
It wasn’t until early 2021 that my goddess finally awoke.
Right after my 33rd birthday in January, while sitting in a sacred plant medicine ceremony, I had a vision of my womb. She was trapped, unable to breathe. Darkness surrounded her, and I knew I needed to remove my hormone-filled IUD.
Up until that point, I had felt proud of my IUD, even boastful that I had the power to not have a period. Little did I know the journey that would unfold after I took it out. No college degree, no physical birth, no amount of sexual acceptance or certifications can ever compare to the eternal knowledge and wisdom that my womb held.
I had been wanting to release a sexuality course for years before 2021, and now, I know why I had to wait! After a year of deep integration, I am finally ready to share this blessed information with my community.
No more. No more hate for our SACRED SENSUALITY!
We desire for more.
More money.
More awareness.
More clarity.
More connection.
More healing.
We wonder how to get it. How to get better. How to heal. How to find ourselves. How to connect with ourselves.
The answer is hidden in the depths of something we’ve been trained to hate, to fear, and to judge…our womb.
Join me in a radical act of self-love and embodiment as we bring the power back to YOU in SIMPLY SENSUAL.

Week 1: Sensuality is why we are here, on Planet Earth, I mean!! Let’s tune into the sensations surrounding our daily life. Starting outward and going within the heart.
Week 2: Anatomy and physiology who? Say goodbye to your 7th grade health teacher and hello to your yoni. Let’s dive deep into physiologic knowing together. This week is all about YOUR BODY!
Week 3: Moon babes, let’s play! It’s time to learn the ups, downs, ins, outs, and all arounds of your blessed beloved sacred cycle. Prepare to activate next-level womanhood superpowers after this week!
Week 4: It’s time. It’s time to lean into the sacredness of our WOMBS. Our SACRED SEXUALITY. Let’s dive into our creative cosmic galaxy and bathe in the essence of our power. Welcome home, queen. Your womb has been awaiting you.
Each week we are learning together over Zoom in a lecture/teaching transmission setting. And then on Wednesday, we play!
Integration is crucial when healing and ascending. We cannot simply learn through our eyes and ears. We MUST feel through these teachings. That’s what Wednesdays are for.
We move, we breathe, we touch, we sing, we cry, we embody, we become, we heal, we transmute, we rewire, we welcome, we play, we feel, we release, we COME HOME!
Breathwork, yoga, meditation, hypnotherapy, and sacred womb practices to just name a few.
Instead of giving you the juicy details, I want to surprise you with these life-changing practices.
This course will be accessible through and will be accessible for forever.