I found Sadie on IG following the birth of my fourth and last baby. She spoke so much real life into the postpartum world I was knee deep in. When I saw her post about the backpacking retreat she was hosting, I checked it out and was so drawn to her words on healing old beliefs, finding empowerment within myself, and gaining tools to live each day intentionally. I was there. I needed to get way out of my comfort zone to shock my system back to life.
I had no idea what to expect as I was flying across the country to meet 13 women and go backpacking into the Canyonlands. Guys. Ya'll. Everyone. I hiked miles with an uncomfortable amount of weight in my pack. I shouted from the cliffside underneath the magical grounds of the Druid Arch. I cried. I laughed and I avoided Sadie like the plague. Seriously, WHO DOES THAT?! Unconsciously I knew she was going to break everything open, so that it could be beautifully put back together and I wasn't ready for that. But there I was. I was ready for that. I am so dang thankful for the space she held for me as I figured that out. We set up our own tents, heated our own JetBoils to make our breakfasts and dinners, carried our own water on our backs. Sadie led the most healing yoga and guided meditation sessions in these sacred Canyonlands. And yet, I was holding back. I was mad and annoyed with myself. How could I come this far to not go all in, and there she was. What I needed the most, when I needed it the most- there she was. Sadie took me by the hand and we had the most heart to heart conversation. She saw me. She reminded me that I had all the power within me the whole time. She reminded me that I have a voice that needs to be heard. She reminded me to come home, back to me. That I am light, and I am power. I am strong. I am courageous. I am free to be who I was born to become. I am Simply Wild<3
I'm not sure I'll ever really be able to express the magic that happened on this retreat. To befriend and witness a small piece of each woman's journey to healing. Each one of us had our own path to get to this retreat. Each one of us our own unique story. I'm so thankful they showed up as their authentic selves, open to this idea of healing together.
Sadie and Angelique, ya'll are it. You are the real deal. The bees knees. The master of your trade. You make the best team. The dynamic duo. Thank you both for taking this leap!
Angelique, I could not have asked for a more heartfelt, strong leader who marched us up and down the trails we were certain would never end. You made me laugh and cry and I'm forever changed and inspired by your love and knowledge of the backcountry, I will be back someday!
Sadie, you are such a gift to this world. Thank you for holding space for me and seeing me when I needed it the most. Your words will help change so many lives, I am beyond thankful that mine was one of them. Thank you for the tools that will help carry me forward.
Peace & love,
- Liz